Looking for a next-gen context awareness Software Development Kit (SDK)?
About TravelAi
The TravelAi platform gives Android and iOS developers the tools to automatically detect a user’s method of transport within their own smartphone applications. It runs in the background 24/7 studying speed, location and pattern of movement to automatically determine route and mode of transport with minimal impact on battery, CPU and RAM. The TravelAi SDK cuts development time, gives a common set of commands for Android and iOS and is maintenance free.
Movement & route
TravelAi’s movement detection and route log is your drop-in solution to enhancing your application with context awareness, allowing you to build in functionality that reflects your customers’ habits and situation. Give your customers the most relevant experience as they move between foot, bicycle, car, subway, train and aeroplane.
Low power
TravelAi offers you a single set of commands to get the information you need, allowing you to focus on the service your users want rather than grappling with sensor control. It is tailored to each OS, operating natively to take advantage of each of their particular facets and functions. It is highly optimised to make intelligent use of resource-intensive sensors such as GPS and accelerometer, minimising battery drain as well as CPU and RAM usage.
Minimal data transfer
By solving the problem natively on the device rather than on servers, TravelAi saves your clients costly data fees and allows them to enjoy the benefits of your application whilst abroad even if roaming is disabled. The travel log is synchronised intermittently with the option of transmitting only over WiFi when abroad.
Background persistence
TravelAi lets you address the full range of your clients’ privacy preferences because current location never need be shared. The software determines the mode of transport on the phone and assigns confidence values, with a final round of processing on the servers. Because of the granularity of this data rich insights can be extracted without the need for sharing locations. Plus the TravelAi team have worked to build privacy enhacing tools and include strict provisions about how the data can be used and barr reselling so as not to undermine a larger Data-4-good mission.